Check the Color: Look for a cantaloupe with a creamy yellow or golden color under the netting. Avoid greenish or pale-colored fruits
Sniff the Stem End: Smell the blossom end (opposite the stem) of the cantaloupe. A ripe cantaloupe will have a sweet
Feel the Weight: Pick up the cantaloupe and feel its weight. A ripe cantaloupe should feel heavy for its size
Press the Rind: Gently press your thumb on the stem end (where the fruit was attached to the vine).
Inspect the Netting: The skin of a ripe cantaloupe should have pronounced netting (the web-like pattern) that stands out.
Avoid Bruises or Soft Spots: Check the surface of the cantaloupe for any bruises, soft spots, or moldy areas
Ripe vs. Unripe: Ripe cantaloupes typically have a slight give when pressed, a sweet aroma, and vibrant color.
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