The secret lives of hummingbird chicks.

Nestling Development: Hummingbird chicks hatch from tiny eggs, often about the size of a jellybean. 

Nestling Plumage: Initially, hummingbird chicks are born with sparse downy feathers that gradually develop into more structured plumage as they mature.

Feeding Regime: Hummingbird chicks are fed exclusively on regurgitated nectar and insects by their mother. 

Growth Rate: Hummingbird chicks grow at an astonishing rate, often reaching adult size within 3 to 4 weeks after hatching. 

Nest Behavior: While in the nest, hummingbird chicks are relatively inactive except when feeding. They spend most of their time nestled together to conserve energy

Parental Care: Both male and female hummingbirds contribute to raising their chicks. The female primarily incubates the eggs and broods the nestlings

Fledging Process: When ready to fledge, hummingbird chicks venture out of the nest and begin practicing flight maneuvers under the guidance of their parents




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