Before you grab the garden shears and start trimming away, there’s a few things wildlife experts want you to know about these tiny nests.
Every avid gardener probably wants to turn their yard into an ecological oasis, but you have to be careful when you go to clear out any brush or trim any branches!
In a Facebook post from May 2016 that was shared over 265,317 times, the U.S
Fish & Wildlife Service warned people to keep a close eye out for hummingbird nests.
The message went up online with a spectacular photo of a hummingbird nest in the wild.
The image, attributed to a photographer named Kelly Campbell, is a delicate portrait of an almost impossibly tiny bird's nest caught in the branches of an evergreen.
Hummingbirds like to nest in well-maintained gardens, especially if it’s one filled with brightly colored, nectar-filled flowers and fountains
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